About Us


Perennial Chic is a leading online platform dedicated to empowering women by providing insightful and sophisticated content on fashion, lifestyle, and personal growth. Our mission is to inspire women around the globe to embrace their uniqueness, cultivate their personal style, and live their best lives. We are committed to creating an inclusive community that celebrates every woman's journey and fosters self-confidence and self-expression.


Perennial Chic was founded in 2010 by Lilith Bloom, a visionary entrepreneur who recognized the need for a platform that combined fashion and lifestyle with personal growth. Starting as a small blog, Perennial Chic quickly gained popularity among women seeking genuine and relatable content. Due to overwhelming support and demand, the blog transcended into a comprehensive website that caters to a diverse range of interests. Today, Perennial Chic stands proudly as a trusted destination for women worldwide.

Founder: Lilith Bloom

Lilith Bloom, a fashion enthusiast, and a successful businesswoman, embarked on a mission to redefine the digital landscape for women by instilling a sense of empowerment and self-acceptance. With her extensive expertise in fashion, combined with a deep understanding of the importance of personal growth, Lilith has shaped Perennial Chic into a platform that resonates with thousands of women seeking authenticity and inspiration.

Website Creation

The decision to create the Perennial Chic website stemmed from the desire to provide an all-encompassing platform that caters to the diverse interests of modern women. Recognizing the vast potential of the online world in connecting women globally, Lilith and her team decided to harness the power of technology to create a virtual space where women can find guidance, inspiration, and a community that supports their personal growth.

Objective and Target Audience

Our objective is to empower women by curating content that fuses fashion, lifestyle, and personal growth. We strive to offer a unique perspective that helps women embrace their individuality and make informed choices that enhance their lives. Perennial Chic appeals to independent women of all ages who appreciate sophisticated content and seek guidance in fashion, lifestyle, personal development, and self-expression.

Unique Value Proposition

Perennial Chic stands out amidst the sea of lifestyle websites because of the strong foundation it is built upon. Beyond offering fashion and lifestyle advice, our platform delves into the deeper aspects of personal growth and self-confidence. We go the extra mile to ensure that our content is curated with great care, providing expert opinions and insights. The dedication of our experienced and highly skilled editors and team members enables us to create an authoritative platform that resonates with women worldwide.

At Perennial Chic, we consider ourselves more than just a website; we are a caring and supportive community of like-minded individuals who seek personal fulfillment and empowerment. We cherish the opportunity to be a part of every woman's journey and provide a safe, inclusive space where authenticity and self-expression flourish.

Welcome to Perennial Chic, where your personal growth and stylish transformation are our priority. Together, let us celebrate the beauty of being perennially chic!

We want to ease your burden. Contact Us for any queries.

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